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News & Articles


It is a common misconception that when children reach the age of 12, they gain the authority to decide which parent they want to live with or how much time they want to spend with each parent. However, it is important to note that there is in fact no such age at which a child’s wishes become the deciding factor in any outcome for family court proceedings.

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Following separation, you may find yourself in one of the following predicaments: a. You remain living in the family home that has a mortgage over it, whilst your partner has moved out; b. You have moved out of the family home and your partner remains in the home.

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Grandparents in Family Law

When parties with children separate, there may be a disagreement about the time the children will spend with the other parent. This can in turn create another hurdle for children to spend time with grandparents on both sides of their family...

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The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (the Act) section 60CA requires the Court to consider the best interests of a child when deciding a particular parenting order. Sometimes during separation, it can be hard for parents to put aside their own interests and recognise...

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First right of refusal clause

The Right of First Refusal is a provision commonly included in Commercial Lease Agreements, which imposes an obligation on the Landlord to offer the Tenant the opportunity to accept or decline the offer to purchase the property...

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What is a Consent Order

A Consent Order is an order made by a court when parties have reached an agreement which they want to document to be legally binding. A Consent Order in family law can be made regarding both property and parenting matters.

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Thinking of Buying or Selling a home?

Buying or selling a home is an exhilarating journey filled with excitement and anticipation. However, it can also be a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to navigating the legal aspects of the transaction. But fret not!..

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It's in our control to end coercive control

Every year in May, Queensland recognises Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, which aims to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and coercive control, and the services available to support individuals experiencing family violence...

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Bankruptcy and Family Law

What relief might a non-bankrupt spouse have against the trustee in bankruptcy (where their spouse is bankrupt)? The pool of assets available to a debtor’s creditors can be affected by...

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Damages in contracts considered penalty clauses or enforceable liquidated damage

Agreed damages clauses are a common feature of many contracts. They are used to establish the amount of compensation that one party (the defaulting party) must pay to the other party (the aggrieved party) in the event of a breach of contract. However, not all agreed damages clauses are enforceable. In some cases, they may be considered penalty clauses and, therefore unenforceable...

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In Queensland, domestic violence is defined as any behaviour by a person towards another person whom they had or have a relevant relationship with that causes that person to fear for their safety or wellbeing. The violence can include physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse...

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Parental High Conflict and the Impact on Children

Parental high conflict is a situation where parents are constantly engaged in arguments or disagreements about anything from financial issues to co-parenting children. Conflict becomes even more of a risk between parties when separation occurs...

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What Is Repudiation of a Contract

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. Each party is obligated to fulfil their respective obligations under the contract. However, there are situations where one party may refuse to perform their obligations or indicate that they will not perform their obligations in the future. This is known as a repudiation of the contract.

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Considering Separating - read this first

The Summer holidays are over, you made it through Christmas and now the kids are back at school. You have been thinking about if for a while, though aren’t too sure on how to go ahead with either separation or divorce. The way in which you conduct yourself in the lead up to and post separation is so important to getting the best result for you and your family, remaining civil, and avoiding costly (and lengthy) litigation with your now ex-partner....

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What is Coercive Control

Whilst there is no single definition, coercive control is a pattern of behaviour that controls a person’s autonomy. It can be subtle and sometimes victims do not speak up because they are fearful of the adverse action, they may experience from doing so...

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Domestic Violence Leave: A Vital Tool for Survivors

As family lawyers, we are thrilled to see the introduction of paid domestic violence leave in Queensland starting from 1st February 2023 for employees of non-small businesses (15 or more employees) and 1 August 2023 for employees of small businesses (less than 15 employees)...

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Varying a Parenting Order

Final parenting orders are made at a final hearing at court or where parents reach an agreement and consent orders are filed with the court. After final parenting orders are made, a parent may seek to vary those orders. This can be achieved through agreement between the parents or, where an agreement cannot be reached...

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Recordings in family law parenting matters

Given the popularity of smartphones and the increased use of technology, the attempted use of audio/video recordings of interactions between parties has become widespread. Despite the value of such evidence, particularly where there are allegations of family violence, the court will only admit the recordings into evidence on a case-by-case basis...

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Why due diligence is important when buying a business

We all know the importance to conduct due diligence when buying a house. Whether it be a building and pest inspection or searches in the Council approvals for extensions or a detached dwelling. Common sense, right? So why do we sometimes forget this step when buying a business?...

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Watching the Sunset on Your Contract

The Sunshine Coast has experienced an unprecedented population growth in recent years. This growth has prompted many large-scale property developments across numerous estates on the Sunshine Coast to meet the increasing demand on housing...

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Relocating with Children

There is a Family Law presumption that both parents have equal shared parental responsibility for the major long-term decisions of your children. This includes moving a significant distance...

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Avoiding Partnership Disputes

As Commercial Lawyers, clients often come to us for advice because of a dispute with their business partner which is causing significant distress to their business.

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Remedying Shareholder Oppression

Corporate structures generally lend themselves to the division of power and ownership via majority and minority interest holders or shareholders. This system naturally aligns with the notion of majority rules which in of itself contains the inherent risk of abuse...

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Retail Shop Lease - when do you need one

Whether you are selling clothes or a delicious meal, you may require a Retail Shop Lease. Our clients often ask us, “When do I need a retail shop lease?”, “Do I require one?”, and most importantly, “What protection does a Retail Shop Lease offer me and my business?”

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Surrogacy in Queensland

It is illegal in Queensland to enter into commercial surrogacy arrangements. Only altruistic surrogacy arrangements are allowed. This means you cannot pay a surrogate mother, or a birth mother cannot carry a child and request you pay a sum of money for the baby...

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4 Key things to know as a first home buyer

Buying your first home is undoubtedly one of the most exciting and stressful decisions you can make. Navigating the possible legal pitfalls can be worrying for even the most seasoned home buyer. Our guide is designed to help you understand the conveyancing process in Queensland...

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In a divorce who keeps the dog?

Pets are property – they are not children, well according to law anyway! Most of the time, parties will be able to work out what the arrangements for the pets will be, though not always!...

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